Sunday, December 6, 2020


One thing I'm really grateful for is that we were able to have a soccer season! These pictures are in no particular order so we'll just take what we can get.
First, Kate begged me to be her coach again since last year was kind of a bust. So I'm Kate's coach and we have the cutest team ever. It's crazy but it's worth it to have Kate play with her buddies so it's even more fun.
Josh is on his comp team and is really liking it. They're a cute group of boys and get better every time. He's the one that's played the most games and I have the least amount of pictures of him. I need to work on that.
Rach is on a co-ed high school team this year and it has been SO much fun to watch. Adding the boys brings a whole new level of fun to the game and Rach can totally hold her own. It's been great.

 Will surprised us all when all of the sudden he got a lot more aggressive and scoring goals!

Ha ha!

He still likes hanging out with his friends on the field though.

I got exposed to COVID so I have to quarantine for one of our games so I had sub coach. One benefit is that I got a ton of pictures of Kate! I don't take pictures when I'm coaching and last year didn't get any of our team. So this year I took a million while I had the chance.

Then Trav came to a later game and got some pictures of me coaching.
Rach was playing on the field right next to ours. So it was back and forth getting a bunch of pictures.

This game was ridiculous. You can see the look of annoyance on my face. At least 8 of my girls were pushed down and got injured and the ref didn't call any foul play on any of them. It was a full time job running out onto the field to make sure my girls were okay. That team played dirty and knew how to get away with it. Grrr. Still makes me mad to think about it.

I had to include pictures of kids actually listening to me. It feels like usually nobody listens. One benefit of being a coach.
Back to Will.

Here's one of Josh!

Even though it makes our Saturdays crazy I totally love this.

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