Saturday, December 5, 2020

End of Summer Shenanigans

The summer seemed to last forever until it was almost over. Then it flew by in the blink of an eye. Even though we may not have done as much as we normally would, or gone as many places and we would've liked....we had a GREAT summer!
Thankfully, Rach was able to do marching band. She pretty much lived at the school and seemed to really enjoy it. I LOVED hearing them play when we were able to watch them perform. They were amazing! I'm so glad she was able to have this experience.

Most of the fun we had, we invented ourselves. Or, I should say...they kids invented themselves. I love that my kids really love hanging out with each other and have fun no matter what we do.

We were able to go to the Jones' pool a few times which totally saved us!

Will finally got brave enough to jump off the diving board and then wouldn't stop jumping!

We had lots of park days. This was the new park by Grandma and Grandpa's house with cousins. So fun!

Will finally lost his tooth!
"Playing with friends" It doesn't count as screen time if you just stand there to watch.
All masked up ready to watch Rach and the band.

LOTS of walks...

And parks (again)
My nephew, Luke, had a missionary farewell party. My kids couldn't resist being that close to the pool without swimming.
It didn't take long until they were in.....fully clothed.

Will spent 80% of his summer in our stream.

Jonah spends hours playing Legos.

They also started to get a little crazy being locked up with nobody else to play with. So they all got "married." The bride or groom would be sent in the hall and everyone else would get a spouse ready so it was marriage at first sight. It was hilarious!
All the guests had to dress up to attend the wedding too.

Josh's Pringle can collection he finally let go (but we had to take a picture of it first)

Camping in the backyard.
Millions of forts....
The Natural History Museum. We were the only ones there.



More watching Rach...

Catching bugs...
And Gradma's 80th birthday party! (We were supposed to go to a Dodger game 😢 but at least we were still able to celebrate)

Bring on Fall!

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