Saturday, December 5, 2020

Back to (Hybrid) School

 I'm just grateful they were actually able to go back to school even though it wasn't full time! Hybrid was not perfect. They only went to the school on Tuesday's and Thursdays, and had to wear masks the whole time, but it was better than nothing! They were all excited to go back.

 But before they went back to school the Primary Presidency (which I'm a part of) did a back to school ice cream truck for all the kids in the neighborhood. The young men and young woman caught wind of what we were doing and wanted in too. It ended up being a TON of fun. I was one of the lucky ones to walk around and pass out ice cream. It was so nice to see so many people that I haven't seen in months and to celebrate going back to school. (and yes we blasted ice cream truck music)

We even got the missionaries to come help too!


I did get my usual back to school pictures. Unfortunately, Jonah's pre-school teacher called a couple weeks before school and cancelled pre-school altogether. school for Jonah. He didn't seem to mind too much though.

Kate and Will and my only 2 elementary-ers

Kate is in Mrs. Everton's 5th grade class.

Will is in Mrs. Gold's 2nd grade class.

Josh is in 8th grade and rockin' the Jr. High.

Rach is in HIGH SCHOOL! What the....?!? How the heck did that happen? She's a sophomore at Davis this year.

I may have cried a little as I watched my tiny little girl go into that gigantic high school with gigantic kids. I may have even snuck a picture of her walking into the school for the first time. Maybe but maybe not.
Lining up at the elementary school looked a little different this year too. Here's Will's class.


But this is what school looks like most of the time. Fingers crossed they can stay in school!


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