Monday, July 8, 2024


New Years Eve fell on a Sunday this year so I got to keep all the kids home to celebrate together! 

A couple days later we had our Maynes "new years" party at the church. Not as cool as pulling a late night on actual new years, but better than nothing I guess.
Will LOVES his science experiments he got for Christmas.

Rach got to come with me to Jonah's birthday table at the elementary school! He was so excited to see her. I like having her around!

We all love fondue night. I don't know why we don't think to do it more often!

Rach guarding the snowball stash....

Jonah's "how to draw a witherstorm"
He's so self obsessed.....

January means basketball, basketball, basketball for Kate! She was on the KJH team again this year and LOVED it!

Trav and I celebrated our anniversary :)

For our anni, we took a weekend trip to St. George. It was cold and rainy but so beautiful! We did sealings in the St. George temple.
Then we went on some hikes.

Yummy dinner at Red Fort.
The next day we drove through rainy Zions but it was SO gorgeous with the gray clouds! I kinda loved it

These 2 always up to something....
Josh did indoor track again this year. He's been focusing a lot more on hurdles and is doing great!
Kate also did young womens basketball and Rec ball.

Her cute coach at KJH took some awesome pictures of the team.

The 8th graders....


Awww...she's so cute!


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