Monday, July 8, 2024


My FAVORITE part of my job (and pretty much why I took it) was to hang out with this kid. I love Will. I love getting to know his friends and getting a hug from him 3 times a day. (disclaimer: I love seeing Jonah too but he usually just waves as he runs past. So fun seeing them at recess!)
One of Jonah's goals was to learn how to make muffins. He did it all by himself!
We do love the new toy store in town.
Kate had a birthday!! She is now 14!!! I'm still in shock about this information. She really is the best and I am SO blessed to be her mom.
She had a basketball game on her birthday so she had to dress up for school.

I snuck her out of school to take her out to lunch to Zupas.

And she had brothers come support her at her game!! (usually it's just me at all the games so it was fun to have a fan club)
Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner.
Time for presents!

It was such a fun day and I love any chance I get to celebrate this girl.

Jonah is super cute and such a snuggle bug sometimes.

One day when I was working some kids yelled that a car hit the school!!! I ran around the corner and I ran up to make sure everyone was okay while radio-ing the office to call the police. It was SO crazy! Everyone was fine but it was nuts being one of the first ones on the scene.

More basketball...

I love it when my kids just all hang out together. It's my favorite and I really hope they can stay close always.
Ha ha! Will....
We went bowling as a family as a late celebration for Kate's birthday. It's been a while and it was so fun!

Rach getting fancy in the kitchen.
Always the blankets. I hope this is one of those things I can look back on with fondness but I don't love them pulling out ALL the blankets.

Too cool for school
Valentines day!
We also got to go to a Jazz game through Jr. Jazz. We were way up in the nosebleed but it was fun!

Josh got to go to Simplot which is an indoor track meet in Pocatello. I'm sad I wasn't able to go but he said he had a lot of fun and I was able to steal some pictures off the track website. Look at those muscles!

Why is it always Will?
Pippin with his favorite...

My little author still at it.
Our nephew Cody, and his wife Emily, lost their baby boy. He was only about 5 months old and had health concerns but was still such a tragedy. The funeral was so sweet but seeing that tiny little coffin breaks your heart. Thank goodness for our knowledge of the plan of salvation.
Makes me want to hug these guys a little tighter every day.
Will was in the school musical, Lion King. It was SO cute! Will was a zebra and a hyena.

Want some waffle with those toppings?
Our shower started leaking which resulted in us needing a plumber to knock a hole in our wall. Good news is it's all fixed!
More Lion King pics.
I helped make the giant elephant.
I also made that lovely log bench.

Always watching Wasowski....
Love these boys

 Always Will....

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