Tuesday, July 9, 2024


March was a great month. Here's what we were up to:
This is a little out of order but on Trav's birthday we drove down to Richfield to have lunch with his siblings. It was so good to see everyone and we had a great time.
Trav got to go to a Jazz game with the boys.
Trav took my boys shed hunting and it was a success!
Unreal sunrise. It pays to wake up early and walk!
Here's some more pictures of Will's Lion King performances.

Rach came home to see Lion King and Kate's band concert.

Kate's cute rec team

Will's buddy, Jack was Scar. He did a great job....but man! Look at that make-up job! Profesh! (I kinda signed up to help with make-up which is something I know very little about so I'm glad my skills turned out okay)

The youth love gaga ball
Some of Josh's many track meets. It felt like he had a million this year....which I love!

Josh got asked to MORP.  He's so handsome.

And we took a family ski day! First time for Jonah. We went to Nordic Valley and had a great time!

When we got there we realized we forgot Jonah's snowpants...Oops. So he wore Will's then Will had to wear some that were in the lost and found which were kinda big but we made it work

It was so fun and everyone did so well!!
Some of us lasted longer than others.

It did start to rain which isn't the best skiing conditions but it was still so fun. we need to do that again.

Also, Trav had a birthday!

Here's the birthday lunch crew.
We were able to celebrate with the kids that night.
I wonder what Will gave him?

Next up is St. Patricks day.

Jonah's note to Trav

He's now a muffin making machine
Tip toes!
We had the egg lesson for FHE to learn about baptism. Jonah's is coming up soon!
Cute little superstar.

Jonah had his program and I loved it! So so cute.
I  even got a front row seat

By the end he was making shadow puppets on the floor.

He also did his animal project

While the boys were shed hunting, Kate and I got to go see Seussical. That was fun

The rewards from hunting!

Celebrating grandma's birthday.

Give the kids a glove and they will be entertained for hours

I couldn't help but include this picture Jonah did at school. A pretty accurate picture of grandma with her cane, short hair and glasses. Love it!


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