Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Disneyland 2024!!


Oh man! We had the BEST spring break this year! We snuck Rachel out of BYU and headed to California for a last minute trip to Disneyland! The kids didn't know until just a few days before (except Rach because she did need to make sure she was okay to miss her classes). For our announcements at family night I said the prayer and blessed that "We'd be safe on our trip to Disneyland" ..." Their reactions were great! Their eyes all flew open and it took a little convincing until they actually believed us but it was a fun last minute surprise.
Sadly, my pictures uploaded in the wrong order! I don't know why this keeps happening but it's super annoying.  So in reverse-ish order....
Pippin was sure glad when we finally got home.
Here's all of our ride pictures. Ha ha! Poor Jonah.

This was stopping for lunch on the ride home. These two...Give them a crown and you have hours of fun

We had some cute BeReals that I added in here
The morning we were leaving I looked out the window and there was a rainbow over California Adventure! (Can you see the backside of Cars land?) We had a great view from our room and we were glad it was rainy the day we left and not the day we were there.

California Adventure was our last stop. We had to end the trip with churros and they were amazing!

Nothing beats cars land at night!

Sadly, I totally threw my back out the last night. My body can't handle standing around that long I guess. I could barely walk back to the hotel but a bed has never felt better in my life!
Cute Rach. I'm SO glad she was able to come with us.
Waiting for Guardians....I love that ride!
We with some strangers on Incredicoaster

We found the best lunch spot and had the clam chowder in bread bowls. Mmmmmm..So good!

They were reenacting the picture when a lady asked if I wanted to  hop in. Ha ha! Usually I say yes because I'm hardly ever in pictures but this one was just a little too weird. Ha!
Toy Story!

They can't resist
I love the pier!
Cars ride is seriously the best. We actually got on pretty quickly and everyone loved it!!

The very first ride of the day was Guardians of the Galaxy which was amazing. We really had to talk Jonah into going on it but the best part  was right after it was over Jonah said  loudly, "That was WAY worse than I thought!" Poor kid. The things we make him do. We didn't make him go on it again later when we all went again but now he can say he's done it!
This was our Disneyland day in reverse. Still smiling at the end of the night! It was SOO crowded that day. I'm pretty sure it hit capacity but we still had a blast. I loved having uninterrupted time with my favorites.
It did get a little cold at the end of the night and Will was nice to share his jacket.

I didn't intentionally take this picture but I kinda love it.
Dole Whip for the win!
So many lines!!!

We never did  the "family photo in front of the castle" shot. Oops

Gotta love the jungle cruise
Matchy matchy
The craziest part of the whole trip was running into the Sheltons on the very first ride of the day! We knew they would be there (we just both happened to plan our trips the same time) but we didn't really plan on meeting up. We ran over to Star Wars very first thing and they were in line in front of us a little ways! We then ended up riding the Rise of the Resistance ride together and we did walk past them a couple times later. It was so crazy! Especially with how busy it was!

We loved the ride! So fun!
This is where we saw them the first time

Walking into Disney

Loved the breakfast at our hotel
When we sadly checked out of our amazing house to get to our hotel for the parks, Trav went to check in and they didn't have our reservation!! They had us not checking in until the next day! They miraculously had 1 room left that they let us have. It didn't have enough beds so lots were on the floor but it was a place to stay! 
We were able to get our bigger room that fit everyone the next day thankfully. We're always  up for a little adventure! We walked to Downtown Disney that first night.Kinda fun.
They Lego store knew what they were doing when they put the displays at that height.

The hotel pool wasn't much but it had a great view!
We were sad to leave the Carlsbad house. It was the best! Goodbye little lemons!
Goodbye lemon tree!

We ended up staying a little longer so we could have another beach day. The weather was SO much better than our actual beach day.

Cool sand designs.
I just love the beach so much.

I like the face Jonah put on it.

Our first amusement park was Lego land! None of us had ever been there before and I'm so glad we went. It was cool! As we were leaving Space X launched something and it made crazy designs in the sky.
I loved the mini lego village. It was seriously so amazing!

There were several rides made for kids only so Will and Jonah were the perfect age for this park. We all still had fun but just had to watch a few times.

Their apple fries were 5 stars

They just had Legos everywhere. As you're waiting in line for rides there's just Legos to build with. I'm pretty sure this is what heaven is like to Jonah.
They also had rooms full of Lego's you could just go in and build with. they made this little roller coaster. We had to pry them away so we could go see more stuff.

All the Lego creations were so cool!
Even then flowers were Lego

The first ride we went on (Emmett's flying adventure) was the longest, hottest line! We survived though because we were so excited to be there.

Here's more pictures back in Carlsbad. I don't know why they're all so messed up out of order!

We rented a house in Carlsbad and the house was AWESOME! We loved ending every night in this hot tub. We even had a bird come chill by us one of the nights.

The beach was literally across the street and it was a gorgeous beach!

We were always the only ones there pretty much

It wasn't super warm but it was still fun

Jonah hurt his foot so we soaked it and it magically got better

They built a giant hot tub

I just love the sand-water pictures.

Our house had a real lemon tree in the yard! It was so cute!!
The driveway was a little sketchy to get in though. A very tight squeeze.
It was so nice and so fun there!

This was mine and Trav's room and you could see the beach from our balcony.
We got there Saturday night and when we woke up on Sunday morning it was Easter and the Easter bunny had come! He can even find us in Carlsbad

The first night we got there we went to explore the beach a little.

We were all obsessed with the lemon tree
And I gotta say it's SOOO nice having lots of drivers. We drove straight through (we're pros now and can do any trip after doing Galveston) so I got some extra snuggle time in the back when Rach or Josh were driving.

We love you California! Hope to be back soon!

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