Saturday, June 1, 2024


December is always so much fun. I got to go help with Jonah's class party. His teacher, Mrs. Hess made them all hats with their favorite colors. So cute.
You never know what Dasher is going to do around here.

And it's always a celebration when Rach comes home. Fun to have her around for a couple weeks.
We went to Antelope Island for a bike ride/hike. It's so pretty there.

There goes the bikers!

And here's the hikers!

All day, every day.
The shirt Austin made Josh for Christmas is my favorite.

Christmas Even at Grandpas grave.

And clam chowder at Grandma's house.
Gotta see the Centerville lights!

Time to open jammies!

Getting ready for Santa....
I think his sleigh broke down!
Christmas morning magic.

Then the rest of the day is dedicated to Legos
Kate got a new bow!
and Will the scientist is at it again.

Josh got a new bed frame so he got to build that
and then do Legos
He's ready...
Christmas dinner with grandparents.
Then an after Christmas party with the Schicks at the Hardy's house.

They were shooting for money so it got pretty serious.

The puzzle challenge....somehow Josh creamed us every single time!

And millions of games!

Jonah, Rach and I went to the aquarium. I can't remember where everyone else was that they couldn't come with us.

Jonah's giant burrito
I had to document that this is what our front room looks like most of the time.
I LOVE just hanging out during the break.

Almost time for New Years (and Kate played her french horn this year)
Jonah didn't quite make it.
Now just back to early December and decorating the tree!

Josh went to the Christmas dance with cute Reagan.

Early morning temple trip with the youth
Time for Gingerbread houses!

Will did a scene from Indiana Jones

This is Jonah's
Trav did the Two Towers

Kate did the Hunger Games
I can't remember what movie Josh did. Still looks tasty
Rach did Rapunzel
We drove down to Orem to go through the temple open house and Rach met us there.

I'm still ground duty-ing!

Will got to go to JA City for a field trip and I was lucky enough to get to go with him. Such a fun day!

 Merry Christmas!!

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