Saturday, August 10, 2024


I love April. Seriously one of my favorite months. Here's some pictures in no particular order...
Josh and his cute date Ella at Prom

Seriously the BEST group of young men. For their "day date" they went to the salt flats.

So handsome!

We moved Rach home! I feel like we just barely moved her to Provo and now here we are moving her home! So weird!
Her cute roommates were so sad to see her go and took her on "one last tour" before she left. It was so sweet. I'm so glad she found the cutest house with the best roommates for her first time away from home

They said this was Rachel's chair she'd always sit in for movies so they made her sit in it one last time.

The grass is almost as tall as Jonah!
Here's more prom pictures.

Sometimes (all the time) our house gets a little crazy
Jonah wrote Jumbo's birthday on the calendar so naturally we needed to throw a party!

The Layton temple is finally open! We got to go several times before.
This is when we went as a youth group to the open house and everyone kind of ditched us so Kate and I got a cute picture.

So pretty!

Suns out guns out

We had LOTS of track meets!

Will had a birthday and turned 11!

I just loved this BeReal so I threw it in.
Trouble with a hurt paw

How do you feel about soccer Jonah?

Lots of track. Lots of soccer.

Will wanted to throw a "little" party so he invited 15 of his closest friends over for games and movie night. They had a blast and they're such cute boys.

Will got invited to another party the day after and his mom send me this pic. 
One of Wills favorite gifts was Lila the Lizard!! The kids have been obsessed with her and even read to her so she doesn't get bored being trapped in a tank all day.
Kate had some AMAZING races this year! She even flat out won the mile at one meet! She's such an amazing runner!

For one of our young womens activities we painted a picture of Christ but each one of us got a small section. It turned out pretty cool!

Jonah got obsessed with satellites and the solar system for a few days.

Josh had a great year on hurdles. He's so fun to watch!

Here's some pictures from when Molly moved out. Her mom sent me them to me.
I'm so glad these cute girls had a good year!

And a pic of the 3 amigos at Molly's farewell! These girls are spreading out and sharing the gospel. So cool! Rach, Cameron and Molly.
More track....Kate ran the 800 too and did amazing.

Gotta love the post race sweaty pictures!

Wow these are so out of order!

The night after we got back from Disneyland I took Trav to go see the comedian Trey Kennedy at Abbravanel Hall. It was great!
We had general conference.
And I love coming home to fresh flowers from my favorite 7 year old.
Yep, that guy!

I came home one day to a pile of hair on the counter. Apparently Jonah was sick of his hair so he cut his "bangs" These are the only pictures I got of it.

The only shade on the field
I love it when we have side by side games at the same time.

Trav and I got to go to the open house before it was open to the public because I was volunteering as a floor coordinator. It was so pretty!

I'll be sad when we don't have zoos at our house anymore. Can you spot the real animal?

And I had a birthday too! And turned really old 42!! Trav spent the day in the kitchen which was amazing. (actually the day before my birthday because he was going to be gone but it was amazing). Mom loves cheese!
I mean....look at that cake!
We played games and it was the perfect birthday!

For my actual birthday I signed us up to volunteer at the Utah food bank and it was actually so much fun. The kids loved it!

We sorted food and Jonah loved being in the giant box handing it all out to us.

The last can!

Great way to celebrate my b-day. I want to make it a tradition!
And we saw a rainbow on the way home so it was even better!
Then we went to Orlando's for dinner.

 See what I mean? April is the best!

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