Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Oh This November was so good!
 First, Josh starred in the new Hunger Games movie. It's crazy how much he looked like Mr. Snow.
Then I shipped out of town for one of the funnest weekends I've had in a long time! My friends and I have been planning a girls trip for a LONG time but we've always had babies and conflicts and this one almost didn't happen too until we suggested going closer to Sara to Seattle! My first time there but will definitely not be my last. These pictures are in no particular order but man, I loved this trip!

We went and saw the troll under the bridge..

We all got matching sweatshirts
We walked so much and we'd just be chatting, pretty soon Sara and I would turn around and everyone was WAY behind us. I didn't think I was THAT fast of a walker but we just decided everyone else was super slow. So, when we saw the turtle sign we knew exactly who needed their pictures by it.
We stayed in a crazy AirBnB that was perfect for us. They had a Seattle puzzle that didn't fit on this little table but we did it anyway.
Sara was amazing and drove us everywhere in her minivan. I honestly don't think I could drive there. The streets (and especially the parking spots) were insane!!
We spent so much time just chatting and laughing and Laura's giant goblet was hilarious at 2 in the morning.
We did got to Pike's place and it was so fun to just walk around and see everything there. The produce looked amazing.
We also took a ferry to Bainbridge Island

Gosh, I love these girls and can't believe we've been friends since 2nd grade and we still all really like each other.

We visited the famous "gum wall" and it was super disgusting.
We asked a guy to take our picture for us and he got all artsy and didn't take a normal one of us.
Sara straightened it out for us.
We spend A LOT of time trying all the best food and treats there and I was not disappointed. I'm still dreaming of the clam chowder....
I need to bring Trav here. So many cool buildings.

The city looked so cool at night as we were taking the ferry back.

This was one of the funniest times when Jenn was directing Sara to park in this itty bitty spot. It was seriously like a 50 point turn....no exaggeration.
The finished puzzle!
In front of our crazy little house.

That big one would move every so often to scare innocent passerby's...

The clam chowder....
The roads were all so steep here too!

We thought we were cool and went to a record store and acted like we knew what we were doing. I don't think I blended too well.
We ate at the most amazing Thai place. I could not get a normal picture of Laura! ha ha!

We went and saw this gorgeous waterfall. This was our last big thing we did before we had to part ways.

It was fun to come home to this cute sign though.
Back at home.....

Pippin started sleeping in his little house more!

Then when I went to Costco they were having a sale on this mac and cheese which is the SAME stuff we ate in Seattle!! I was so excited and totally bought it. It's amazing good!
This game is called....Can you spot Pippin?
Our dishwasher officially bit the dust so we got a new one. Then another new one. Then just had one new one
Lovely park days.
Will with a Red Rider bbgun
Our thankful turkey
We got to go see the Scarlet Pimpernell at Davis and it was AMAZING! We all loved it!
Early morning temple trips with the youth. What an awesome group of kids!

Then the sunrise just kept getting better and better....

Someone keeps losing teeth!

Will had Colonial Days and I got to go help with the string games.

We always love it when Rach is in town.
This is my kind of evening.
We made lots of rolls and pies for Thanksgiving.
We celebrated with the Schicks this  year at the Sheltons church. It was nice to have so much space to play around.

Our group is getting big!

Will got slashed by a wolf. NBD
I saw this in a store in Seattle and knew my boys would get a kick out of it. No, I didn't buy it.

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