Wednesday, May 8, 2024



October was a seriously amazing month. This always uploads my pictures in the wrong order so it's a little out of whack but it's still super fun to see all the old pics. There was a 'Ring of Fire" eclipse happening in Utah but totality in Bluff, which is where Wendy and Gary live now. We hadn't been down to their place yet so we knew this was the perfect time for a visit and the trip did not disappoint. It was SO much fun!  Lots of the Maughans went down and we got some good hikes in. 
Grandma even made it all the way to the house of fire

Lots of driving.
Lots of climbing

Lots of petroglyphs (it was SO cool how they were all over the place!)

Lots of exploring..
Wendy and Gary were nice enough to let us stay with them in their "barn." It was actually such a nice house with a barn attached. We got to stay in their unfinished upstairs which the kids LOVED. They seriously were in heaven the whole trip. They even got their daily workouts in.
Wendy had set up hammocks for them to sleep in which was the best. They begged her to never finish the room and never take them down.

The scenery was unbelievable.

We hiked to (I think it's called) 14 room house. SO COOL!

We also drove down a super sketchy  road
Jonah's face says it all....
One of the nice things about Bluff is we had the place to ourselves. Not many people there.
Getting the sand out of our shoes...
Here's some more from the house of fire.

Can you tell where it gets its name?

Jonah found a "Twinkie Rock"
The twinkie rock broke.

Cactus Kate
We at lunch at this park and the kids literally tried to bottle flip on top of this pole for like 30 minutes.
The funny thing was is they all knew the pole was hollow except Kate and she was flipping her water, so when she finally did get it went all the way down. It was so funny!

The eclipse was so cool. Milo brought a fancy eclipse doo-hickey
We were blasting music and just chillin' in Wendy's front yard

Kate was missing Pippin so she got her cat fix in with Wendy's cats. Ha! The leash!

This is blurry, but I had to get a picture of the table decorations at the corn dog place we stopped at on the way down. Definitely appetizing to have on your table.

 The trip was SO fun and Jonah was refusing to get in the car to come home. He's ready to move to Bluff.

Other things that happened in October.....We got to go to my friend Alison's work party she invites us to every year.

Love the zombie unicorn balloon

We took a stroll around Silver Lake

We got to go to a Real game!

We had a few soccer games ourselves.

I started hiking more and it was good for the soul
Kate's still playing the french horn

We painted the tunnel as a youth activity
One of my favorite BeReals...
Josh got asked to the dance then showed off his amazing Pringle balancing skills

And....I'm not sure whats happening here but we do have fun

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