Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Even though we had just been down South, Trav had a hankering to go to Yellowstone so the next week we packed up and headed North. Sadly, Rach couldn't join us for this one but we still managed to have some fun. 
We got this really cool VRBO just outside the park and it was a really cool place to stay.

We did so much chillin' exploring, hiking and just soaking it all in. It was absolutely gorgeous and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I've never had such an empty Yellowstone trip and I LOVED it!

The kids got busy on building a shelter.

Jonah did not want to get in the family picture with the sign.
Isn't this so fun?!

There was an old gaming system at the house that the kids got obsessed with

We went to "Obsidian beach" I'm not sure what the real name is, but that's what we called it. We spent a long time finding obsidian all over the place while Trav fished. He fished here with his dad when he was a kid and wanted to come back.

Lots and lots of hikes

Some hiked more than others...

So many hot pots

There was a bathtub in my bedroom?
I wonder why they call this place Yellowstone?

Old Faithful!
The place was packed!

The very firsts thing we saw when we got there was a bear!! A BEAR!! We almost zipped by without even seeing it because we weren't expecting it within the first 5 minutes. It was so cool!

 I love it any time I go somewhere with these people. It fills my cup.

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