Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The rest of October

We look forward to the giant leaf piles every year. 

This kid keeps losing teeth
One of Josh's friends, Cruz, was tragically hit by a car. He thankfully has pulled through and is doing amazingly well but it was touch and go for quite a while. They had a fundraiser for him that we were able to go to and I loved that they had the toy story truck there.

Carving pumpkins!

And the family Halloween party was at our house this year.

Here's Halloween night!

Our trick or treat group is getting so small!
But the candy piles are still really big
Josh and 14 of his closest friends all dressed up like Spiderman and took some cool pictures at the park. Then one of the dads put together a scavenger hunt for them at the mall where it blew a lot of kids minds to see so many spidermans running around.

 These are such fun kids and it was a fun Halloween!

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