Saturday, August 8, 2020

July Shenanigans

 This summer seemed to drag on forever and now it's almost over! We have done a few fun things though, so here's what happened in July.

Josh and Trav have gone on several backpacking overnighters to prep for the big one. Here's another picture of wherever they went this time.

Rach has been having fun in band and they had their first performance/fundraiser at Taco Time in Kaysville. They performed there on the front lawn and it was SO fun to hear what they've been working so hard on. They are so cute!

And then the next week when they were promoting the fundraiser again, this is the picture they used on Instagram. Rach right in front!!Josh and Trav have been buddies this summer and not only have been backpacking lots of times, but mountain biking too. There are perks to having Trav work from home!

We've had lots of lazy Lego days.
Kate had a near-miss when she was going on our neighbors zipline and a rope wrapped around her neck. I start to hyperventilate just thinking about it. Ziplines aren't my favorite and I just thank my lucky stars she's okay. When I told Kate I wanted to take a picture of the rope burn she's like "Should I smile in the picture?"
We went to parks at sunset.
And visited Grandpa's grave on his Deathversary. July 29. We still miss Grandpa Rex so much!

Grandma tricked the kids and put veggies in the treat jar when we came to visit. They were all so polite and were like "I don't think I want anything today," except Jonah was like "There's gross stuff in there!" It was pretty funny. Nice one, mom!
We took a bike ride to 7-11 for slurpees and playing at the park.
Josh has had several soccer games and this one in particular the kids rolled down the hill the entire 1 1/2 hours of the game.
We went to a park on a rainy day and got soaked. Here's the "Wet boys" I love that Will lets Jonah tag along with him and is just part of the gang. (And Jonah LOVES Will's friends)

Jonah giving piggy backs as fast as lightning.
Jumping on the tramp with the sprinkler is a summer must.
Jonah got some giant bubble stuff for his birthday and it was fun testing it out.

One Sunday night when we went to visit grandma and grandpa we found a snake in their front yard!

Morning reading time.

The kids also made a massive zoo in the basement.

Slip n Slide

And lemonade stands with your best friend. Summer is good!

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