Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fall "Break" at the cabin

For fall break we all wanted to go to the cabin. We love that place and it's been too long since we've been there. But this was not the best fall break. Don't get me wrong....we did have some fun....but I was happy to see fall break come to an end.

The night before we left Kate ended up throwing up all night long (like 10 times). We still decided to go anyway because she can be sick at home or sick up there...right? We made it with only 1 barf incident in the car, but all was caught  so all was well.

We played lots of games...
 I took a picture of Josh's cards to cheat.
 Trav busily worked on Kate's Pinewood derby car.
 And there was just a lot of bummin' and playin' around.

 The next day we woke up to snow! We were totally unprepared for that!
 But we still went on a walk and got some good pictures.

 Kate was feeling much better!

 We went on a Rhino ride and when we came back in Jonah was freezing cold. He had a fever earlier in the day but I wrapped him in a blanket and put him by the fire.
 Jonah ended up taking a little nap by the fire but we woke him up to eat dinner. While we were eating Trav said to me, "He's doing it again!" I had no clue what he was talking about then I looked at Jonah. Yep, he was having a seizure.

Seizures are SO scary. We both weren't sure what to do but then amazing Rach said, "We'll be fine. You guys just take him!" So we put our shoes on and were out the door within 1 minute of his seizure. But of course it's a long drive to the hospital. We had to do this once with Rach when she was tiny. I just held him and cried and told him to stay with me the whole drive down the mountain while he was completely unresponsive.

We miraculously made it to the hospital and as soon as they got us back into the room at the ER he woke up. The doctors checked him out and told us he was totally fine. Thank heavens!! They always say that seizures with fevers although are scary, are not damaging. Since we knew he had a fever (and this has happened before), the combination of him being sick, sleeping by the fire just made his temperature spike too quickly. We got a couple pictures of him at the hospital Ill have to get off my phone and put on here.

They gave him some tylenol and Ibuprofin and a popcicle and just watched him for a couple hours. (There's no good tv shows on Friday night)  I felt bad leaving the other kids in such a rush and we had no way of contacting them while we were gone. But I had the COOLEST experience while at the hospital.

Even though the doctors said he'd be fine I was still a wreck. I was so full of worry and could not feel any peace. But then I KNEW right at that moment my kids were praying for Jonah and then in that instant I knew he'd be fine. My heart calmed. I felt peace. Several days later (I didn't mention any of this to the kids) Kate said, "Mom, when you were gone I was so scared and couldn't stop crying. Will said we should say a prayer but he was too scared to say one. So I said a prayer and it made me feel so much better." I told her that I felt her prayer. I knew exactly the minute she said the prayer because the Holy Ghost told me.

It was such a cool experience. I mean, I hope we don't ever have to witness another seizure again...but that teaching experience of the power of prayer was amazing.

I didn't sleep all night long out of worry for Jonah (who slept right next to me) and then I got sick. Yep, Kate's sickness. It was a LONG night.

The next day was more games.

Then slowly the sickness started working through the rest of us. Will had actually thrown up while we were at the hospital with Jonah, Josh got sick the next day (and threw up on the car ride home). Luckily Trav was good until we got home so we at least had one person well enough to get the rest of us through. But his time came Sunday morning so we all stayed home from church to recover from our fall break. I was glad to see that one go.

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