Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I'm kicking myself for not taking better pictures on Valentine's day. This isn't my favorite holiday, but I do love parts of it. I like spoiling my kids and Trav with treats (since we don't have enough). And I especially love the little love notes I get from my kids (and Trav). This year something totally new happened and again...I wish I would've taken better pictures.

Apparently, there's a boy at school that is in love with Kate. I don't blame him. She's a total catch! He gave her a gift the day before Valentines that was full of treats.
 The next day (on Valentine's) she got a pack of headbands from him with this note...
 So cute! She said he's not in her class and she doesn't even know him very well. But I think it's super cute that he loves her.

Then that night we got a knock on the door. Another gift for Kate. This time it was a stuffed animal raccoon (so he knows her well) with this note attached....
We didn't know who it was from! After much speculation, we discovered it was from a boy in her class (Christian). I'm just wondering how he knew where we lived. I don't even know him or his mom!

Then a couple hours later, cute Max Patane shows up on the doorstep with a balloon, candy, a flower and a stuffed animal for her. 3 boys!! 3 big presents!!! She's in 2nd grade!!

One problem with Valentine's day is that it's hard to see others get gifts of love if you're not getting any. I remember that feeling all too well. It's fine now that I'm married I have a permanent Valentine but I totally remember. Rach was having a little bit of a hard time...first of all... because Valentine's is lame in Junior High. You don't get fun parties and candy. Then, watching your little sister get all these gifts from boys. It was pretty rough. When all hope was lost of having a good Valentine's, there's a knock on the door, a big red basket full of red treats is on the door with this note....
 To this day we don't know who it was from! But whoever it was....saved Valentine's day for us! Thank you!!

I also just want to remember some of these lazy days with my kids still little. Sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) it's really hard. But I love these little faces and their obsession with monopoly.
 Forts in the front room.
 Playing with blocks.
And passing out on the couch.

 Kate had her 2nd grade program "Rumpus in the Rain forest" She was a snake. (Christian is the boy in the row behind her on the left...her right...head turned to the side)
 Cute little snakes.
 Kate, Morgan and Erika. Cuties!
 They all did an excellent job. I love these little programs and their time to shine.

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