Thursday, May 12, 2022

St. George soccer

Josh had a soccer tournament in St. George in February which was just what the doctor ordered! It was sunny, warm-ish, and such a fun getaway! Me, Josh, Kate, Will and Jonah woke up bright and early and carpooled down to St. George with Kelli and Jaxx Thaxton. The car ride went fast and we made it just in time for the team lunch at the park!
I loved seeing all these manly soccer players on the playground. :)
Lunch was great then we checked out our condo we were staying in that weekend, also sharing with the Thaxtons. They were the PERFECT traveling buddies! They were so fun and so easy to be with all weekend. I know our family is a lot more noisy, messy, I hope we didn't drive them crazy!  I do regret not taking many pictures at the condo! It was so nice! This was the view from the kids deck.
Then we had our first soccer game to see. Will and Jonah ran laps on the stairs while I watched the game.

They won! And waved their Club America flag high! It was an awesome game!
Will's one of the big boys now.

The kids were begging to swim before the team dinner. The water was cold!

I forgot to take pictures at the team dinner too! It was fun to be there with the cute team and their parents. Nice relaxing evening. Then we headed back to the condo to play games until Trav, Jason and Rach showed up!  There weren't quite enough beds for everyone but when I saw the closet in the kids room I knew Rach would love it in there. I was right! She was SO excited to get her "own room" and not have to share a bed with anyone. It was a nice little cave for my little cave dweller.
The Lamp Man would greet us every day with a smile...
More soccer today! Plus lots of popcorn.
That afternoon the team all went to see a movie together so we took the rest of the kids up to the cool dinosaur park that I knew Will and Jonah would love. They were in heaven!

More swimming.
A very late night dinner for Josh. We thought ordering take-out would be faster but poor Trav had to wait in the take out line for like an hour and a half. So we were late to Josh's game (luckily he had gone with Jaxx) and he didn't get dinner until after his late game that night!
On Sunday after watching church live streamed, we drove into Snow Canyon. My kids are in heaven when they can just run and explore everywhere.

Rach made it up to the pioneer names! It's a pretty sketchy climb!

Is that what my arms look like when I walk? Ha ha!

Then we hit the sand dunes!

We were there for the longest time but the kids had so much fun! It was back to the condo for an amazing dinner Kelli made us and more games. They begged me to try the Oculous for the first time. I thought I'd give it a shot and I played the "elevator game." That was SO freaky! I can't believe that was Josh's idea to put me through that! Bah!

They ended up playing 3 soccer games but didn't make it into the finals (which was a good thing. I heard the traffic coming home was horrendous Monday night. Monday morning wasn't too bad minus the snowstorm) So here's the pictures we got of him playing.

The moon also looked so cool that night!

It was such a fun weekend and I'm so glad we got to go on this little getaway.

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