Thursday, May 12, 2022

Kate's 12th birthday!

Is there a button somewhere that I can stop time? I want to pause my kids at exactly the ages they're at right now. Kate's not allowed to get older! But man, she is the best and I'm SO grateful I get to be her mom. Okay, enough of my nostalgic-not-wanting-to-get-any-older self.
Her birthday fell on a Sunday this year and it was a GREAT day! We were going to have her party the day before but unfortunately, she ended up getting a pretty bad (and her first ever) migraine after her basketball game that morning and we ended up cancelling everything and just taking it easy the rest of the day. It was a bummer but it was nice we could easily change plans. We still tried to take it easy on the day-of. She's had some pretty weird health things lately (her AWFUL ruptured eardrum that lasted for like a month, and then this migraine.) so we didn't want to press out luck and wanted her to get feeling all the way better.
So we went to church, then opened presents. She got some pretty sweet stuff! 

Kate's reaction when she opened this gift from Trav was priceless! It was BY FAR her favorite gift. A shirt with a picture of Pippin on it. She's a little obsessed with that cat.

They had to test out her new bow and arrow.
And her favorite...cheesecake...for dessert!

The  next night we were still celebrating and headed up to Soldier Hollow to do some sledding! I've always wanted to do this but never have. I wasn't able to take too many pictures but it was fun!

  I think it would be better if there was fresh snow. This was all ice so it did get a little sketchy and so so fast. Jonah didn't like it too much and the heels of my boots were starting to wear out from dragging my feet to slow us down. But overall it was a fun night!

The 'Lift" was SO much slower than actually walking up the hill. We only rode it a few times.

Then the following Saturday Kate was feeling great so we did her rescheduled birthday party! She wanted to go to Top Golf so we drove all the way out there only to be told there was a 2 hour wait....ugh. So we headed back to Kaysville and went to the trampoline park! They ended up having a blast and wearing themselves out.
Then it was back to our house for more cake and playing around.

At church Jonah drew Kate the cutest picture all by himself. Happy Birthday Kate!


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