Thursday, May 12, 2022

March Madness

It really was a 'mad March.' This is a pictures my dad sent me when Trav and I were on our trip and the kids made a "spiderweb." I love that grandma and grandpa are so fun!
I took Will and Jonah on a date in March. We rode the train into Salt Lake then went to the planetarium. Jonah was in heaven when he learned we were riding the train.

The planetarium was pretty fun too!

And guess who learned to ride a 2-wheeler?!

Trav helped him get started and he just took off!
He rode around all night then it was snowy/rainy the next couple weeks so he couldn't practice his awesome new skill. It was a happy day!!
Welcome to the taco palace where Pippin is the king.
One night I was noticing Jonah was talking kind of funny so I told him to smile at me. This is what it looked like:
Oh man! I knew exactly what that was! Bells Palsy! One of my college roommates got that so I was able to prettily easily diagnose it. I did take him into to doctor the next morning just to be sure and it was bells palsy! Thankfully the doctor wasn't too concerned since he did have an ear infection and a molar coming in on that side. He thinks the nerves just got pinched. It's not very common in kids so even though it looked funny it shouldn't be problematic. I did take progression pictures daily to keep track though.

We also got to take Kate to the temple for the first time!! We had her scheduled right around her birthday but when her eardrum ruptured and she wasn't able to get it wet we had to reschedule. We went to the Ogden temple and it was awesome!! There was a crazy, out of the blue snowstorm that day though. So we didn't get too many pictures. She was excited!

The kids make sure Pip is all tucked in when he naps...

Raise those eyebrows!
I love kindergarten drop off! I love seeing the kids all line up and marching into the school. I'm one of those moms that walks him to the line and waits until he's in the school everyday because I love seeing these amazing people every day.
I also love seeing them play little games to keep entertained while they wait. Red light green light is a fav.
Still crooked!
It's always nice when the neighbors will come help with jobs.

The kids made a real hotel fort in the basement!

Getting a little better...
Then Trav celebrated his birthday! It wasn't the most exciting birthday. He's completely slammed at work so we just went out to dinner at Tuscano's then home for presents.

And cake...but my frosting melted off....

I think the massager was the favorite.
The next day was St. Patricks day and a green meal for dinner.
These little notes make it all worth it.
We went on a bike ride but since Jonah wasn't able to practice his mad skills since that first day we did the bike trailer.
We went to 7-11 to get slurpees!
And play at the park.
While we were there a little train went by and offered Will and Jonah a ride. They were  excited and off they went! I thought "How fun is that!" until I watched the train drive out of the park and into the neighborhood and I realized I could have just willingly let me kids get kidnapped with an entire train full of kids. I have no clue who that guy was!
I was relieved when they came back about 15 minutes later!

These girls are the best and had such a fun basketball season. Not to brag...but look at the scoreboard. Yeah.. our team won! And these two score most of the points.

It's getting better!
Kind of...
Jonah and I got to help in Kate's class for stem week at the school. They had fun making cardboard cars.
The hotel rules for the fort: No E (no eating) No D (no drinking), and "Only Animal Jammies"
Will always brings home the weirdest library books on library day. But I think this one takes the cake.
Speaking of Will....he got to do a Pinewood derby and made a bacon car!

Trav, Josh and Will went on a weekend getaway to go shed hunting so Me, Rach, Kate and Jonah had our own party. Dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe.

A quick stop at the Layton Temple. Moroni is on now!
We had a birthday dinner for Grandma Schick at the Sheltons house and when the boxing gloves got pulled out after dinner I knew this would be pure entertainment.

Track has started up again! I think this is the only meet Rachel Pole Vaulted, then she switched to high jump. She's so dang cute no matter what she does!

I took this kid up to the church parking lot to practice and now he's a pro! We just needed one more day of practice!

And here's the pictures from the shed hunting trip. The boys had a great time and even scored big time!!

Trav's amazing find!

I'm glad they have this fun tradition!

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