Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sum Sum Summertime

I love being able to have some lazy summer days. Finally time for baking...
And the deck got done!! It looks SOOOO good!
Here's a picture with Will and his baseball buddies. I think I already posted this one but the black and white. We needed to see the color one too.
Rach has her learners permit and has been driving up a storm! I sit in the very back when she drives. It's better for both of us....
We went on a family hike up to a waterfall. It was a great hike!
Kate and her cactus.
Some hiked a little faster than others.

We made it!

We found a snake coiled up on a rock right by the waterfall. I'm still not sure if it was real or not but I wasn't about to poke it to find out. It looked real but it didn't move at I'm not sure.
The kids have had a few camp outs in the backyard. Most were in hammocks but Jonah wanted to sleep in his circus tent.

There's been jumping with the sprinkler...
dentist visits....
and lots of swimming! Our favorite is at "Indiana Jones" pool (what Jonah calls it)
He is a maniac in the pool and has no fear jumping off the diving board.

We've been to Lagoon...

And watching the peacock was the most entertaining thing there apparently.

And, we jumped on the bandwagon and made ourselves into cartoons. I think they turned out so cute!

We tried out the new park...
Ate LOTS of watermelon.
We went to the chalk art festival in Bountiful and it always inspires chalk artists in the fam. I LOVE how Rach's train turned out!
Matchy matchy at the splash pad.
Trav took the kids on a backpacking trip. Jonah's first ever.

They all survived and had a great time battling millions of mosquitos!
While everyone else was gone, Rach and I had a couple of girls nights. We hung out at Station park, watched movies...then she ditched me for work and partying with her friends. We had a great time though (and I loved having a quiet, clean house for a minute).
More swimming at the Jones'

Trav got to celebrate Fathers Day his favorite way...

We had a swim party with all of the Maughans at the Jones house. It was SO good to see everyone and have a big party again. It's been way too long!

 Happy summer!

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