Sunday, January 10, 2021


Lots (but also not a lot) happened this December. It definitely wasn't as busy as it usually is but it still flew by in a blur. Here's some pics to remember it by.
Decorating the tree is always a big production.

This year my parents gave us their train! They decided they didn't want it anymore and my kids LOVE it. Jonah pretty much parked himself in front of the tree the rest of the month.

They would lay down with their noses pretty much on the track and it'd look like they were about to get hit. Anything for a thrill!
I mysteriously  had about 45 of this next picture on my phone. Wonder where that came from?
Morning milk.

Feeding the ducks on the ice pond
Will and Jonah's tower.

Writing letters to Santa

Rachel's digital literacy project.

We went ice skating on the pond

Jonah working with dad
Dasher (our elf) made an impressive fortress.
Rach and I went on a walk one night and saw this amazing sunset. Sunsets have been good this year!
Now it's gingerbread house time!

Jonah and I built one together.

Will and dad were on a team.

Time for scripture study and I got the couch to myself!
Josh's indoor soccer. You really can't get good pictures of this thing but it's really fun to watch. I tried.

Ready for home church.
Lights at Centerville park are a fav!

We went to the park and Rach really wanted to play tennis. Will is soaking up the sun in the one dry spot on the court.

Fitting family night lesson.
We took a little hike on Antelope Island. I love how quiet and peaceful it is there.

Snowflake shadows every morning
Trav made this really cool Popsicle stick fort.

It's perfect for army guys and Legos

Ho ho ho!


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