Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Cabin trip #2

3 days after our first cabin trip we turned around and had another one! This time with my parents, Aimee and her kids (and Trav had to stay home to work) We were not ready to be done with our cabin time!
 Jonah and Hallee are great buddies and hung out together the whole time.
 Rach pulled out a really hard puzzle to work on.
 Will helped grandpa chop down a tree.

Then recruited everyone to help haul the wood

 That's Will under that helmut
 Rach soon recruited a team to help with the puzzle
 Still playing....
 These kids were great to just play games all day. They get along really well.

 The kids wanted to watch a movie in the middle of the day but I told them they had to run up and down the hill 3 times before I'd let that happen. They actually did it!

 Movie time with grandpa's yummy popcorn!

 Jonah really wanted to feed a squirrel. He was SO patient waiting for it to happen.



He was SO excited and spent the rest of the time feeding that squirrel.

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