Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Cabin trip #1

This past winter the water line at my parents cabin was broken so we haven't been to the cabin in a LONG time. As soon as the ground thawed and the water got fixed...we were there! It was just my little family...and it was heaven. We needed a getaway since we'd been stuck at our house for months already. We went on lots of walks.
 Chillaxed on the swing.
 The first night Jonah ended up in our bed after not sleeping and keeping the kids all awake. So the rest of the night this is how we were situated.....see the little spot on the edge? That's where I slept. Trav had the entire giant bed to himself. It's a good thing I like snuggling that little boy.
 Early morning Kate.
 And we woke up to snow!
 We brought up some of the mountain bikes for anyone that wanted to go for a ride.
 Jonah with his walking stick....
 After the snow melted we went on a hike. It was beautiful!

 There were even icicles on the bridge.

 Jonah picked so many flowers for me. How can I resist?

 He did need lots of breaks.

 The next day was much sunnier and warmer.
 On our walks Will kept saying "Why is everyone walking so fast. We need to just look around and enjoy nature."  He was walking pretty slow but noticed a lot of things everyone passed by. My little nature boy makes my heart happy.

 Kate was nervous to go down the big hill.
 Jonah would chase everyone down that hill.

 She did it and she liked it!
 Will's walking stick.

 We stayed for Sunday (because we really have no reason to get back) and we had church at the cabin! That's the first time we've watched squirrels while taking the sacrament.

 Our tree...
 Here's some more pictures from the hike. They got out of order.

Oh how we love the cabin and definitely needed this getaway!

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