Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quarantine life

It's true.As of March 16 (the 17th for us because we celebrated Trav's birthday) We are officially in quarantine. That means Trav doesn't go to work (luckily he can still work from home), the kids don't go to school (they do it at home), we don't go to church, parks, Disneyland :( or pretty much anywhere except the backyard (but I do still go grocery shopping). When it all first started we were all pretty ambitious and thought of all kinds of fun things to do. I've tried to take at least 1 picture every day so we could remember these crazy times.

We had cupcake wars....their theme was "movies"

 Josh did Jungle Book
 Will and Kate did Finding Nemo
 Rach made hers with a bucket of popcorn on top
 We also had a Lego competition to build the best zoo. A couple of cousins came in on it through Marco Polo too.

 We made signs for our Bishop to thank him for all his hard work.

It's exhausting having everyone home all the time!
 At home church has been really awesome. Having the sacrament and teaching things to my kids that I feel we need to teach has really been neat. I've felt the spirit so much stronger than I ever thought I would having it at home. We've started assigning youth speakers and we take turns choosing the music. Will and Jonah are not reverent AT ALL but I still am really loving it.

 We've built lots of forts.
 My kids have some amazing chalk art skills! Josh:

Jonah inspecting bugs
 Jonah has also been coloring this giant roll of paper
 We've LOVED having dad home more. Even though he's still working during the day and can't hang out as much as we all want him to, it's been so awesome spending more time with him.

 The kids have pretty much lived on the tramp. They will jump for hours....every day. I don't feel like I need to incorporate the P.E. stuff that's being sent home because they definitely are getting enough exercise.

 We've gone on TONS of walks and hikes
 Trav bought an awesome bike rack for the Burb. It almost fits us all.

 Jonah's been growing some facial hair...

There are a million other things we've been doing but I'll have to save that for another post!

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