Sunday, May 31, 2020

Q-Life 4

We decided we needed to get out of the house and head for the hills! So we went to Snowbasin. We knew the ski resort was closed (because everything was closed) but we figured we could still sled there!

Unfortunately when we got there the general manager said we couldn't sled. We could hike up and ski down but not sled.  A lady came and told us there were sledders there all day and he had only come out a few minutes earlier sending all the sledders packing.
 That didn't deter us from getting fresh mountain air! We hiked a little way until we were off Snowbasin land and sledded!

 Jonah didn't love the snow in the face...

 Nothing that a few fruit snacks can't cure though!

It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we were able to get out a little!

We are SO lucky to have the house and yard that we do if we're going to be stuck there all the time. We've had lots of campfires which is good for the soul.

 We were able to watch conference in our new fancy room! It's always good to hear the words of the prophet and apostles but for some reason we were all really looking forward to their words of comfort.

 We are also blessed to have the best friends in the world! The Maynes made a scavenger hunt for us to do over spring break. It was NOT easy and we had to get a lot of hints from them, but we finally figured out the prize was at the bridge.
 Rach risked her life in the freezing cold water to get our prize that was taped to the bottom of the bridge.
 Woot woot!

 Here's all the clues they did. It was tricky! But so much fun!
 I love these little dudes.
 Josh has gotten back into playing Zelda and all the kids love to watch him play.
 Rach dusted off her sewing machine a couple times for her sewing class she's supposed to be in right now.
 Will's on-line school-ing was the hardest for me out of everyone. You wouldn't think it'd be the 1st grader giving me gray hair! We eventually got into a groove and got it all done but it was touch and go for a while there.
 I still got the kids cookin' in the kitchen.
 Sometimes Trav will take his work outside.
 This was our first venture to fast food. We got Chick fil A and took it to the park (but couldn't play at the park because parks are closed too). It's nice to have Trav home to do this kind of stuff with us.

 Our science experiment for the day was Mentos and diet coke. It was awesome!

 And lots and lots of puzzles....

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