Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Redwoods! -part 1

For spring break this year we knew we needed to go the the Redwoods. That's a trip we took a few years ago that we loved so much we swore we'd go back! We woke up bright and early and started driving before the sun even got up. Around breakfast time we were already at the Salt Flats.

The kids of course had to run forever....and they could have. It's when they started playing hide and seek I knew we needed to hit the road again.

I haven't always been a big fan of tvs in cars but sometimes it really is nice on a long road trip like this. They all look so cute all zoned out...

Ha ha! Poor Josh was the pillow for most of the stretch.
We stopped in Klamath Falls for the night to break up the long drive. Our hotel had this cool train car in the backyard.

We then went on a walk down this nice path that went through homeless territory? The whole town was a little sketchy but it was beautiful!

TV zombies again at night.
The next day we took a slight detour up to Crater Lake. We were surprised to find so much snow!
And animal fur...

It was really pretty up by the lake but this was definitely the wrong season to go see it. We could go look out but the trail was super scary because it was on 5 feet of snow. And it was FREEZING! So we didn't spend too much time here. Definitely a summer destination!

Back down to better weather we stopped for a picnic lunch.

There was a little trail nearby we didn't even know about until a lady came and asked us about it. We thought we'd give it a try. It was actually really awesome!
The kids swept the trail. Always so tidy.
It went to this gorgeous waterfall. I can't remember what it's called now but the river actually goes under some rocks then out the other end to the waterfall. It was really neat!

The differences in pinecones
We finally found some redwood trees!
Even the clover were gigantic!
We stayed in an awesome Air Bnb house.
With redwoods surrounding the house!
There even was a sun room with a pool table. This is where we spent most of our time when at the house. It was so fun.

The house itself had a "golden girls" vibe to it. I liked it.

The most expensive meal of the trip....Denny's
But we were all starving and starting to go a little crazy so it was okay.

Our first official day in the redwoods we stopped to see Paul Bunyon.

And it was very rainy! Thankfully we had our ponchos!

We look like a pack of skittles.

Jonah got dramatic and about lost his mind but the rest of us had a blast!

They started collecting rainwater to have a little drink.

We made it to big tree!

It finally stopped raining that night so we decided to go see the sea lions at the pier.
There were SO many! They were noisy and stinky.

But it was a gorgeous night!

Back for another game of pool.

 I think we're going to like it here!

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