Sunday, April 11, 2021

The good life

Right now Jonah's favorite thing in the whole world is trains. He plays with his toy trains, all day, every day. He watches the Polar Express almost every day (I know...cringe). So I knew we needed to head to the Ogden Train Museum. I'd been wanting to do it for weeks before we actually got to go because of their crazy hours but it was worth the wait. This boy was in heaven!

He just wanted to sit and look at the train for a while. My Grandpa Jack was a train engineer and I'm sure he would be so proud. Wish he was still around to talk trains with my cute boy.

We spent a least an hour just watching the model trains. Luckily, we were the only ones there and had all the time in the world.

So much fun!

Trav took Josh and Will shed hunting with Uncle Terry and Cousin Matt. They had a great time but didn't find any antlers, which is a bummer. But Terry found a few and let them bring some home.

Matt found some elk antlers!


I just love rainy, jammy days...looking out the window.

I have to document that this is Jonah's favorite job right now. I will happily let him do it any time.
Cute Kate is so good at practicing every day. I'm glad I got 1 kid (at least) that will play the piano.

Jonah wanted to sleep on our floor one night for a sleepover. He never sleeps in our room and he didn't even wake up when we woke up early and were buzzing around the room.
Josh tried eating octopus for the first time. Ummm...grosss..
We celebrated grandma's birthday with all the cousins. It's been a LONG time since we've all been together. It was good to be back and hopefully we can get together again soon!
And...I caved and bought Lagoon passes. Well....Josh and Kate paid half for theirs, Will paid $48+change for his, then I just bought one for Jonah and I. I'm pretty sure everyone in the state of Utah thought the same thing though because it's been SO busy! We still had a good time though and Jonah and Will are definitely better ages for going to Lagoon than they were last time.

I can see you with my wee bitty eyes!

Will's back into playing in the creek, which means I need to be ready for constantly having muddy footprints in my house.
Trav bought a little bike for Jonah that hooks on to the back of a big bike. Now we just need to go on a bike ride!
This definitely is the good life.


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