Monday, October 26, 2015

Cabin with the Maynes

For UEA we decided to go up to the cabin but this time we invited the Maynes! Everything is always better with the Maynes. We stopped at "the train" on the way up and got some totally awesome sunglasses in the kids meals.

 We saw plenty of wildlife while there.....

We played lots of games.....
 Here's cute Christa and Nate (and Molly and Jack). We're so lucky to have such great friends that we love to hang out with.
 Trav was reading bedtime stories to Kate and Will and I could NOT get a cute picture of them! It was so cute but first it was like this.....
 Then this.....
 I'll try again....
 Okay, NOW finally someone's not pulling a weird face! I kind of caught the moment.
 We headed over to the neighbors house to go down the slide. It was fun, but fast! Sometimes you have to scoot yourself down the slide but kids were shooting off the end on this trip. It was crazy!

 We also did the teeter totters for a while too. That was fun.

Then they had to do a big long train on the slide.

 Josh headed up to the hidden swing.
 This just gives you a glimpse of how high that sucker was!
 Later in the day we went on a hike.It was gorgeous up there!!
 Even sweet little 6 week old Molly got to come!
 Kate found the perfect walking stick, and was devastated when it busted when she was whacking things.

 Here's the whole gang (minus the photographer)

Rachel and Kelly really hung out a lot on this trip which was fun. 
It was interesting to see who would pair of with who.

 We stopped and waded in the stream. These 2 girls were inseparable. One of my favorite things about this trip was being able to watch them play all day long. They were so cute!
 These 2 boys liked throwing rocks in the stream. They also had fun playing with their baby dolls which I thought was super cute too.

 I didn't do a very good job of just taking pictures while we were at the cabin. But we had lots of yummy food, played the piano, fed the birds, went on lots of Rhino rides spotting animals (there were SO many deer up there. I think they knew the hunt was about to start), we watched movies, ate popcorn, and had so much fun! I loved just being able to hang out with Christa and chat all day. It was so nice to all be there together.

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