Monday, October 21, 2013

Photo shoot city

So this past conference marked 6 months since I've worked.  The last time I worked at the Roof was for the April conference, then I went on maternity leave and just never went back.  It's strange to think that I've been out of work that long.  But it is nice to actually be home for conference!  It's been 10 years since I've been home to see all sessions.  I even got to go to the Relief Society session the week before. AMAZING!  

Well we tried something new to keep the kids in check during conference and it worked so good so I figured I'd share.  We had conference concessions.  During the first session they earned "dollars."  One for being good during a talk, or 2 for telling us something that was said in the talk.  So they earned all kinds of money during the morning session.  Then they redeemed it during the afternoon session however they choose.  For Kate that only earned $5 she could only buy a few snacks, but Rach earned I think $18 and she got a ton.  So they got lots of snacks as we listened to conference.  It was a hit!  They loved it. I think we'll do it again.
 As for everything else.... the best way to get wiggles out it to bounce while you're bouncing....
 We dug up the garden (aka Rachel took a machete to the garden)
 We finished fall soccer.  Can I say that my kids are awesome?  Okay.  They are awesome.  Josh has improved SO much in soccer this fall and really did so good.  Rach had an amazing last game. She was goalie for the last half and had so many amazing saves.  The parents on the other team were even giving her compliments after the game for how great she did.  You could tell she was so proud too.  Best way to end the season!
 I have 2 little knitters on my hands.  We've been busily making hats to donate and the kids have really taken off with it.
 Then we went to Wheeler Farm and had a massive photo shoot.  I like to pretend that I'm a photographer and take cool pictures of my kids. The colors there were so pretty so I tried to get some good shots.  So brace yourself...and here you go....It helps that I have cute subjects.

 Had to get one of grandma and William too...

 I know this isn't a smiley picture of Rach, and yes, she's in tie dye...I know.  But I love the coloring and think her eyes look beautiful in this one. 

What cute kids I have!  We had such a blast and I love fall!

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