Thursday, May 16, 2019

Birthday bash

April is a glorious month because that's when we celebrate my birthday!! Actually...I don't really love my birthday but that's okay. This day was like any other....get the kids off to school, drive everyone around where they need to be, etc. I had lots of well wishers but not one person offered to hang out with me! Everyone was like "I hope you have fun plans for your big day!" with seriously the best intentions and I was so grateful for so many people remembering me, but I had NO plans. So like all other things...if I want something to happen I need to take matters into my own hands.

When we picked Will up from school we went out to lunch. Me and my little boys. Then I took them to the Treehouse museum in Ogden. I have been wanting to take them there for the longest time so I'm glad we went. It was a lot of fun!

We came home in time for everyone else to come home from school and some of my amazing friends showed up to make my day feel special. That's when it started feeling like my birthday!

I got to open presents.

 We took the whole family out to dinner at the Olive Garden then back home for some ice cream cake. Yummy!

 It was a great birthday and I feel so blessed to have survived another year and my awesome family and friends to make me feel loved.

But we couldn't celebrate me for long because a few days later somebody turned 6!

 This kid. So much fun, trouble, love, mischief, and joy. How I LOVE my Will. He wanted crepes for breakfast.

 I asked him what kind of cake he wanted (meaning flavor) and he said a snake cake. Oy! He's testing my abilities! But I think he turned out kind of cute!

 And I wish I would've gotten a picture of Will's face when he saw it for the first time. He LOVED it! Luckily his birthday was a Friday so it was short day at school. I got to go to his class to spotlight Will. I took his to Wingars (his choice) for lunch, then once the kids all got home from school we had his birthday party! I love Will's parties because they are always so low-key. They played around for a while, decorated bags...
 opened presents....

 We ate the snake...
 (I didn't even wipe the table down....oops)
 The one thing I did prepare was a scavenger hunt which they all loved!
 Most of Will's friends are around his age but he insisted on inviting his 4th grade buddies who are adorable and totally came because they love Will. Thanks Max and Van! You made his birthday complete!

 Cute boys.

 For dinner that night Will requested Artichokes and Ramen. Nice combo.

 Then he opened presents from family.

It was a busy but fun day  to celebrate this amazing boy!!

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