Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Oregon Coast

We just had the most amazing vacation/family reunion.  It was a long long drive so we tried to make the most of it with lots of stops and rest breaks.  Our first stop was  at Shoshone Falls and it was beautiful.  We also stopped by a hospital in Twin Falls that Trav did work on a few years ago.  It was so cool to see in real life things we had only seen in pictures and things he had designed and helped create.  It's amazing!
 We had fun in the hotels that we stayed in. Our first night Josh chose to sleep on the floor, then Kate rolled out of bed and landed on top of him. Neither of them remembered it in the morning.
 We also stopped at Multnomah (or something like that) falls.  Wow!  AMAZING!  Yep, that's part of the fam up there on that really tall bridge. 
 We then made it to Seaside Oregon where the "official" reunion took place.  Here's a picture of Josh feeding the Sea Lions at the aquarium.
 Here we are at the freezing cold beach thinking how everyone was roasting in 100 degree weather back at home.

 Will is that little red bundle that grandma is holding.  He did get to see the ocean for the first time....even if it was through his eyelids.
 My sister had written "Schick Family 2013" in the sand to signify our reunion.  Well, this little Latino family not only kept walking over and spitting on our sign, but they put all their stuff and camped right there.  I know you thought that was us, but no we don't tan that well....
 We had lots of yummy and unhealthy treats...our dentist is going to love us next visit.
 And Rachel chopped her hair!  Maybe this isn't the best picture to show it but it still looks so cute! I love it!  And I actually cut it...not Rach.  Let me specify that.
 The kids were crazy enough to get in that freezing cold water to jump the waves.
 The men played a mean game of bacci.
 And it didn't take long for the kids to freeze out one by one.

 This is seriously the best baby ever.  He traveled like a champ, slept like a dream and was happy as a clam 99% of the time.  My little love.
 Okay, a prize goes to anyone who can guess what movie this beach is in?  We watched it for the first time with the kids the night before to get them all excited about it.....anyone?  It's Goonies!  And it was beautiful.  I wish we would have stayed there all day long.

 Awwww, cute one of my mom and dad.
 We walked through the tide pools and found all kinds of cool things.
 Then it was off to Tilamook Cheese factory.  Mmmmm...Cheese....
 More swimming at the hotel...
 Here's a cute one of cute Rach with her cute hair.
 We got a surrey for a couple hours to ride around town.

 Here's the whole crew....It was so so fun! 
 Then at this point we broke off...2 of my sisters had to go home so my other sister and parents decided to prolong our trip a little, and I'm so glad we did.  We drove down the entire Oregon Coast, made stops along the way and ended up in Crescent City.  We saw some cool lighthouses.
And went in some more tide pools.
 We rented this house in Crescent City that was on 24 acres of Redwood land.  It was absolutely gorgeous.
 There were berries all over the yard that you could just go pick and eat.
 And very pretty flowers.
 Want some fresh blueberries in your pancakes?  Don't mind if I do!
 Will was very impressed by the Redwoods.
 Here's the group that stayed longer.  We're all standing by "Big Tree."  Wonder what genius came up with that name?
 Never a more obvious sign in my life....
 I had seen pictures of Redwoods before and yes, they look like big trees....but when you're there standing among is indescribable.  You all of the sudden feel so small on this earth and it's almost a spiritual experience.  I absolutely loved it!
 These 2 cousins became the best of buddies on this trip.....
 We went on this amazing hike called Fern Canyon.  Highly recommend seriously feel like you are in a dream or a movie.

 There were the coolest trees all over the place.
 We made a little stop to see Paul Bunyon.

 Another lighthouse.  I don't know why it was so foggy every time we stopped at a lighthouse.  Bummer.  But it was still cool.
 More tide pools....

No this is not a super cool hot wheels car.  It's our van.

 Who's the plumber?
 Rach wanted a bow and arrow and made them out of sticks.  She wanted to be like the girl in Brave.

 These 2 trees tipped over right by each other.  Look how big the stumps are.
 It's hard work looking at such big trees....
 We hiked to this river that was so much fun.  We could have stayed there all day too.
 Another plumber?  Man, what did I take pictures of?

 And you just can't help getting all wet.
 We went back to Crescent City and played in the ocean for a little while.

 And built an amazing sandcastle....and yes, he is an architect.  Mine would have not looked like that.

It was a long long car ride home but totally worth it.  We had the best time and made some awesome memories.  My favorite quote from the trip provided by Rachel, "This is the worst vacation ever!  I'm so sick of eating at restaurants and going to the beach!"  Yes, she is picked on. And despite the onry remark she had a blast too.  But when we came home at 6:30 at night and I didn't want to cook a meal for dinner so we had macaroni and cheese my kids commented at me being the best cook in the world.  Good to know they still prefer a home cooked meal.  Me too.

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