Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The rest of Halloween

Well you can't have Halloween time without a giant pile of leaves....just ask Charlie Brown (but never jump in with a wet lollipop)

 Wait a minute.....
 And then of course you need to carve some scary pumpkins.....

And when Halloween night comes around you better find some totally awesome costumes (as Josh would say).

 Here's a shot of our Rapunzel
We had a cowgirl that couldn't get enough candy, and totally got into trick-or-treating.
 And a  super-tough cool knight that can practically slay any dragon anywhere.
 Halloween was awesome (thanks to amazing weather) but that's not all the fun we had.  We also went to Discovery Gateway with my mom and sister a few days later.  Kate liked driving the car.
 Josh's favorite part by far was the farm.  This is one of those rare moments he let Kate on the horse too.  Luckily it wasn't very crowded because he spent the majority of his time on that horse.

 I think the onion top is trying to find the other onions.
Now we've got to start thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That is insane.


  1. insane indeed. I looked at this Christmas blanket I have in a closet and thought, "is it really time to pull this out?!"
    Cute pics and I love reading your posts. :)
