This fall has been especially beautiful. I love when leaves first start to fall the kids don't mind helping rake.
(One's all work, the other is play)
This boy loves cruising around as long as he's got a cracker in his paw.
When he isn't preoccupied with food there's usually a trail of something like this.....
Soccer season ended which is sad to see go, but nice to get our Saturday's back. The kids all did great!
Some of those last games were freezing cold!
I just had to get a picture of our backyard. I love all those changing leaves.
Kate got a few more recruits to help her.
And I finally got a picture of all these cuties dressed up in their church duds. One of them was less than thrilled to get his picture taken.
The pile keeps growing!
This was a 4-bedrroom nest that they played in for hours.
I think fall leaves really do make the best backdrops for pictures. Love these kids!
This is the look will gets on his face when he's up to something. I see it several times a day.
The pile in all of it's glory! Kate got first jump!
Happy fall!
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