(Okay, I just had to scream that at least once.)
How I LOVE girls camp! I loved it as a young woman, and I love it still as an old woman. This is my first time going as an old woman and I loved being there with Rachel.She was the newest Beehive there. The theme for camp was "Daughter of a King." I honestly feel like I needed that theme more than anyone else. Just one more sign that Heavenly Father knows and is aware of all of us. Even the old women.
Here's a pre-camp picture with our camp shirts...
Group shot as we were getting ready to go.
The first thing we did was stop at the Hobbit caves up Logan canyon. I had never been there before. It was pretty cool.
Ha ha! Rachel in this one is too funny to me for some reason.
Once we got to camp, every girl got crowned by their tent leader and they found out who was in their tents.
These are seriously the BEST young women in the entire world. No joke.
I kinda don't want to say play-by-play everything we did, so I'll just hit on some of the highlights. One awesome thing we got to do was horseback riding. It was GORGEOUS up there!
Rachel, Molly and Cameron are the cutest baby Bees.
Horseback riding was a blast and something not a lot of girls had done before. Then we headed off to Bear Lake to spend some glorious time on the beach.
Rach started digging a hole...
Until it was this big! She was definitely the girl that loved the beach the most.
The girls were so cute to get all their "stuff" done with certification.
Everyone helped with cooking and cleaning up meals.
Oh, here's another cute picture of all the girls.
Some of us brave ones waded in the freezing cold stream. I mean, it looks nice and sunny...but that water was FREEZING!!!
We hiked up to the wind caves. One really cool thing that happened....some of the girls were having a really hard time on the hike. It was a little tough. But with encouragement from everyone else...everyone made it. Even those that thought they couldn't do it. Once we got up there we had a jam session in the caves and it was well worth the climb. The girls learned they can do hard things.
Another cool thing that happened is it started afternoon. We all hunkered down in our tents for a while but when the rain started to let up all of the girls were outside dancing and singing in the rain. Not complaining, just having so much fun and making the best of what could have been a crappy situation. I can't even begin to describe the admiration I have of these girls. They are amazing! There were no pranks, no meanness, everyone was included and everyone felt so important and so loved. It was an amazing thing to witness and be a part of.
I loved just chillin' around the fire. I loved hanging out with all the leaders, they are some of my dearest friends. I loved watching the girls take Rachel under their wing and including her as one of their own. I loved seeing their testimonies grow. I loved feeling the spirit. Fireside testimony meeting is always a highlight but for some reason this was especially amazing. Rachel, who rarely shares her testimony, was one of the first girls to pop up and bore such a strong testimony. That for me was the absolute highlight of the entire week.
How I wish everyone could feel the kind of love we felt at camp this year. We are truly living among the most righteous and chosen spirits in this day.
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