We learned something valuable this holiday season....Good things come in small packages. Thanks for the reminder, little Buddy.
He definitely was the cutest thing under the tree. And in case you're wondering, yes, we are still taking a billion pictures of him. Here he is all dressed up in his church duds.
Rach has taken to making scripture stories out of Lego's again. This one was Noah's ark. Cute.
And we finally pulled out the exersaucer. Jonah is a fan!
I guess we should also document that we have a few other kids. Here's the toothless one.
And the stinker (in more ways than one).
Back to Jonah!
We had a fun night making gingerbread houses. This year we did a "village"
The finished products...
A couple days later all of the gummy bears went missing from the village and I asked Will if he had eaten them (knowing he totally had). He quickly responded, "No, my invisible ghost friend ate them. But I told him not to do it anymore so he won't." I'm so glad Will is the moral compass for invisible ghost friends....otherwise we'd have a haunted coup on our hands....oh wait....
Little Mr also turned 5 months! Holy Schmoley! He smiles, laughs, rolls, blows raspberries, talks, loves to be tickled, and puts everything in his mouth.
Case and point.
For our dates this month I took Kate ice skating at Station Park for the very first time. She was a natural! Trav took Will to antelope island to see the buffalo. No pictures of the boys but they got a couple cool ones of the buffalo!
These next pictures were actually taken on Thanksgiving day. They were the only pictures I took that day (so lame). We had an awesome Thanksgiving with Trav, Rach, Josh and Will going fishing with some of the Maughan clan in the morning while Kate, Jonah and I made lots of rolls and sweet potatoes. We then had a yummy feast at the Jones' house with great company. We even got to meet Kalli's baby (little Kate) for the first time. So here's my Thanksgiving shot of a bunch of turkeys....
Also....who decided it was a good idea to do science fair projects in December?!? Here's Trav (oops...I mean Rachel) doing her project. This year she discovered how salty water needs to be in order for an egg to float. It was pretty interesting.
A daily ritual at our house....
Matching boys.
I can't remember why Josh got this doughnut. I think it had to do with TTM. He's been the top of his class all year and keeps coming home with treats because of it.
Tummy time! He actually really likes tummy time despite the strained look on his face.
And this shirt is a favorite of all the kids. As you can tell he gets pestered a lot while he wears it. Moose mouth open...
And closed.....This time he's eating batman.
And here's the stuffed animal Kate got from the Kaysville electric light parade. Too much fun!
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