Monday, May 16, 2016

The evolution of the wood floor

It is finished!!! The long awaited wood floor that we've been talking about since we moved into this house more than 6 years ago is finally in! And I LOVE it!  But first we need to see what it "used" to look like to truly appreciate what it looks like now. So here's some 'before' pictures.....

 The lovely stained gray carpet was pretty awesome.....

 Okay. I think you get the jist of it. Rewind to January when we took the plunge with our tax refund and bought the wood. We had stacks like this......all over the house.
 I'm not complaining about the stacks of wood. I least we were headed in the right direction. But I swear as soon as we got the wood at our house everything was insanely busy and we didn't have ANY free time to actually install the stuff. No nights, or Saturdays for several months. It was insane!

But with what little free time Trav did find he would work on it bit by bit. First it was taking off the baseboards. Then the demo of the kitchen tile.
 William didn't like this part too much.
 Then the gears started moving and we put everyone to work or this thing was never going to get done!
 I like how the brother is just watching the girls work.
 We even had Will picking up staples.

 First two rows IN!!
 Slow and steady the wood worked it's way down the hallway.

 Trav was never short of helpers (although the helpers were pretty short)
 Every boy needs a tape measure to get the job done right!
 A little more here....a little more there....I hope you can appreciate that this was over the course of several weeks although it's much more fun to see it in this time lapse of pictures. It looks like it went in really quickly!
 Smoosh everything to one side of the room!
 Josh got his very own nail. We're very generous around here.
 Now it's take apart the kitchen time! (That exclamation point is totally sarcastic.... this part was not very fun at all)
 Now we smooshed everything to the other side of the room....
 I took so many pictures randomly that I got some good ones of Trav just looking totally annoyed that I was just taking pictures. Ha ha!
 You know you love me, Trav!
 Look how close it is to being done!!! When the last piece was finally in place Trav just laid on the floor in complete bliss. Even though there's still touch up work and all that jazz....the main part is totally done!!!

 And the good news: The invincible green pants don't look a day older than they did at the start of the project.They are the pants that just keep going and going and going....

Now here's what we've been waiting for....the 'after' pictures!!!
 I even was given a new rug for mother's day (which is right around the time that we finished up).

 Ahhhhh! It looks SO good!

 Will likes wearing this tiny little hat that he helped make and wanted a picture of him. How could I resist?

I really do love it and am SO thankful for all of Trav's hard work. He finally just took a day off of work to finish it up because he's been so busy he knew it wouldn't ever get done.

The first day it was done Josh totally dropped a piece of peanut butter toast face down on the floor (where carpet used to be). The kids were totally amazed that I was able to take a paper towel and have it cleaned up in 20 seconds. It was a beautiful moment. May the gray carpet rest in peace forever!

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