Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Soccer fever!

I'm actually a little bit sad that soccer is over for the season. (Although having our Saturday's back will be nice). The kids totally KILLED IT this year so bear with me and all my pictures.

First of all we have Josh.  His team improved SO much this year. They were awesome and Josh even scored a goal on the very last game of the season! Woot woot!!
 This kid may not be the strongest kicker on the field but he has the best sense of positioning that I've seen. He is always in the right place at the right time and that is just as important if not MORE important than kicking it hard.
 Here's the cheering section...
 Come on, Dad! Look a little excited you're here on a precious Saturday morning.
 Will doesn't mind waking up at the crack of dawn to watch soccer!

 Now we'll move on to Rachel. Her team also has improved a ton this year and pulled out of few wins! Her coach has been awesome and especially after having to file a complaint against another coach I'm grateful for the awesome coach she has. That matter is a whole different story....let's just say I left one of her games with a few more gray hairs than I started with.
 This girl has a good 'boot' so she's one of the players that gets to do goal kicks and free kicks. It's pretty awesome.

 Now let's talk about the Grasshoppers for a minute...I was Kate's coach this year and besides my team being adorable it actually was a lot of fun. We didn't always win or even pay attention to the game but there was a HUGE difference between the first and last game. They did so awesome!!
 Kate was (and I'm not totally biased) the star of the team. She is so aggressive and doesn't stop to go get that ball. She got a taste of scoring after the "first game" incident and pretty much scored every game after. I'm going to miss our Saturday ice cream runs.

This is right after she scored a goal. Look at that pure joy (and the fist pump doesn't hurt either). This girl LOVES soccer.
 Here she goes again....

 "Kick it that way as hard as you can." A phrase I used ALL the time....

 And again....
"Hey Kate, how many goals did you score in that game?"
 Totally awesome.
 It's funny because she would get so annoyed if other players on her team wouldn't pay attention. She couldn't understand why they wouldn't give it all to the game. I think this girl is going to go far.
So here's some random pictures of a gorgeous Sunday afternoon at our house. 

We have some flying monkeys.....

  Let's give Kate a minute to put on her "angry hair."

 Stream waders.....
 Hammock sitters...

 (kind of)

 And a raccoon just chillin' at the top of a tree above it all taking a little snooze. Crazy!
 Maybe I snuck in a little nap too.

This little dude's not trained at all to have his picture taken. He is SO handsome! His mowhawk didn't last much past church though.

Wanna see the shovel?

 In between conference sessions on General Conference Sunday we took a little walk up at the new walkway by Nichol's park. It was gorgeous (and also not an original idea) I love where we live.

 Happy fall!!

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