Just as a
side note before I talk about riding horsies.....we found the tip of
Strider's tail! I only mention this because in my last post I had said
we hadn't found it. I was imagining it peacefully resting somewhere
OUTSIDE. Well, Trav found it last week INSIDE the house!!!
I know!! That was like
the grossest thing I have ever seen. A dead cat tail, in my house,
unknown for weeks. Blah! I really probably shouldn't even mention this on my blog for the world to know but now you know our dirty little secret.
Just in my defense as a housekeeper, it was in the "toy room" in a box that had about 3 toys in it so I never really look in there and the kids hardly ever play in the toy room too (go figure.) So our house really isn't as disgusting as you may be thinking after learning this bit of information. I do get solace in the fact that I know nobody really reads this blog except for me so the world really won't know.
Okay, moving on.
We got to go to Wendy and Gary's house a few weeks ago. They so kindly offered to let us ride their horses. This was SO cool and such a fun experience. I'm so glad they are willing to share.The kids loved it! (Oh I loved it too, who am I kidding?)
We took lots and lots of pictures in case you were wondering.
It was even better because Kate was able to bring her "BFF" Erika. It was a ton of fun to have her there too.
This electric fence is turned off right?
I'm thinking this was William's first time on a horse too. I know he was there last year when we rode but I'm pretty sure we didn't even "try" because he was so small. He liked watching the horsies, but wasn't too sure what to think while riding them.
We had to get one quick picture all alone.
Best buddies!
He did love playing in the dirt and horse pies (is that really what you call it? Probably not) He did look like a total stud in his cowboy outfit.
Josh was all decked out too. Boots and all!
After we wore the horses out we helped feed them too, whether they wanted help or not.
This is my favorite picture of all! Do you notice anything out of the ordinary?
"Trav, can you hear me now?"
Ah, life on the range! It was a great day.
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