Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer fun

Oh how we love summertime!  Especially now that I've been hospital free for a whole month...things are looking up.  To start us off we have to talk about father's day.  These are some lucky kids to have the dad that they do.  

 Just to show you how awesome of a dad he is...the very first day of summer break he slept out on the tramp with the kiddos, and of course it resulted in a pillow fight in the morning.
 We finally made it over to the new Kaysville splash pad.  We've been slackers and hadn't tried it out yet.  My kids are the kind that hang around the edges until the water shuts off and then they run in and pretend that they've been getting wet.
 But at least they're cute...
 We also had our Maughan family reunion up in Eden.  Oh how I love Eden and would move there in a heartbeat if I could.  Unfortunately I don't think the demand for architects is too high there.  But at the reunion we did a lot of swimming...

 I can't stop laughing at this one of Josh.  Look at his little toothpick legs.  He he.  "It's like an orange on a toothpick!"  Who can name that movie?

 We took some walks and the scenery was beautiful....
 We spent a day at the beach....

 And our kids really like our new cousin Colin.  He just married into the fam.

 More swimming at the pool.  Mmmmm, this pool water tastes good....
 We also had a day where we took a picnic lunch up to the mountains then took a little hike up to a waterfall.  It was so gorgeous and the kids had a blast.

 It was William's very first hike.
 And this amazing tree was there too.  We just had to take some pictures with it.
 Here's a group shot of the whole clan.  We really missed Cindy and Ted's family.
 And we had to get a picture of little Will with the big wheel. 
 Then Miss Rach turned 8! (I know this post is getting long...bear with me) I seriously can't believe I have a 8 year old.

 One of her gifts was roller skates.  She's been all over the neighborhood and has made tons of progress.  Watch out roller derby girls....
 She requested strawberry shortcake for her cake.  Thank goodness.  That is something I CAN do!
 Then she also requested dinner at Iggy's and family activity at the trampoline park.  I like this shot.  Trav looks like he's someone you don't want to mess with.  A poor little boy learned that  the hard way when he decided to peg Trav. 
 They played follow the leader most of the time.

 Rach also got a slip-n-slide and that's been tested and approved by 3 out of 3 kids.

 And oh man!  Melt my heart with this little guy.  Sweetest little thing west of the Mississippi.  Okay, sweetest little thing anywhere, ever.
So far so good with this summer thing.  We're lovin' it!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow I can't believe Rach is 8! Congrats to her and can't wait to hear about her baptism. Sound like life is great for you guys, so glad!
