Saturday, June 23, 2012

I blinked and now she is 7

Am I the only one that feels like this?  My little sweet baby is all the sudden a 7 year old?  How could this possibly happen?  I swear I just had her about 3 months ago.  But at the same time my life has been so profoundly changed in the past 7 years I can't remember what it was like not to have her in it.

Well, I have to document her totally awesome birthday party.  It was so fun.  So those of you that know Rach, knows that she is a sugaraholic.  She loves candy!  So what better way to celebrate than to have a candy party?  We got to play Candyland.  But with every space they landed on they had to do something act like a monkey, sing popcorn popping, spin around 10 times, or lick your elbow (Try that one!)  They did such a good job getting into it because some of them were pretty embarrassing. 
 And of course you have to make it to the candy castle....
 Now birthday cakes are my lot in life.  I'm so not creative and I hope my kids won't think they have a deprived childhood because of the lack of my cake-making skills.  But, thanks to Pinterest she got a really cute, candy themed cake. That's right folks.  M & M's. Covereing the entire cake!  It looked super cute (even better in real life) and the sugar high that those kids were on afterward.....they didn't even realize that the cake came from a box. 
 They had to guess how many candies were in the jar and the winner got to keep the jar of skittles.  The guesses ranged from 20 to 400.
 They got to be creative in making their "markers" for the Candyland game.
 Here they are playing the game.  What cute girls!
 They had to go fishing with Sweedish Fish and chopsticks.
 Cute little birthday girl.  Look how much she loves this masterpiece of a cake.

 Oh, and the grand prize winner of the candy guess was the one and only boy.  Josh!  I was kinda hoping we could send that home with someone else but with his guess of 400 and there being 424 skittles, he was the clear winner.  Way to go Josh!
 We ended the party by playing "Drip Drip Drench."  A favorite at our house....
 Here's their take home bags with their Candyland markers, the bag chuck full of candy and a toothbrush so I won't get any strongly worded letters from parents. 
 Birthday gifts are always the best part.  Josh got her some "girly Legos" by request. 

 You can tell what gift she really wanted the most....a gumball machine with about a  million gumballs...
 She had to model her new nightgown from grandma...
 Kate wanted to model her jammies too...
 Such and awesome day and I love that girl more than life itself.  It's been an awesome 7 years.  But as for the rest of the time...... We can't forget Father's Day.  Here's to the best daddy in the whole entire world!
 Every dad needs a giant bad of Gummie Bears...
 And new Joey stories, illustrated by Rach and Josh themselves....
 Kate's been watching "Fun Fun" (her favorite show that she dances along with)
 And the  other day Kate wanted to put on her old glasses from when she was a baby.  They're a little small on her but she sure looks cute in them!  It's funny because she can't see very well in them at all and was getting so dizzy walking around. 
 Wow, this post is long.....My brother in law was cleaning out some old toys and brought us this 4 wheeler for the kids. It's a good thing they leanred how to ride their bikes a few weeks ago otherwise those old bikes wouldn't ever get used with this thing at our house.  Rach and Josh both learned how to ride 2 wheelers pretty much on the same day a few weeks ago. Rachel's goal was to learn before her birthday.  When Josh was doing better than her she hopped on her bike and just started to ride.  She's a total pro on it now.  Josh still needs help stopping and turning, but he could go straight forever.  Let's just say we are so excited and so proud of both of them!
 And look at this gorgeousness. It is a good year for the Maughan garden!

1 comment:

  1. I love your birthday party idea!!! I think I'm going to have to steal it for Sadie's birthday that's coming up. What other things did you have them do for the squares? (You can email me if you get a chance -
