Friday, October 28, 2011

October in a nutshell

But this will be a coconut because I have A LOT to post about.  I guess I didn't realize how many pictures I had on my camera when I sat down at the computer today (205 pictures).  Don't worry, you don't have to see them all.

Well Rach is done with soccer.  Her collarbone finally healed so she got to play her first and last game of soccer this season.  (Yeah, we should get our money back)  She did have fun though.  They kept changing their team name so I think they finally ended up being the "Smurf Flying Dragons."  Let's cross our fingers for next season...

Then a couple weeks ago we went to the fire station open house.  We got to see the helicopter land (FYI if you have the chance to do this...wait inside and look out the was SO WINDY!)  It was really cool though.
Then we took a drive up Bountiful canyon to see the leaves. They were the most amazing leaves I've ever seen.  Pictures never do it justice.  It was gorgeous!

 Of course you have to take time out for a twinkie break..
 We kept saying that it felt like we were in some dream world. Awesome.
 The playhouse is coming along nicely  These 3 have been working hard.
 And this little one has been potty training.  I know.  The only time I've had to change a poopy diaper in the past 3 months is when she goes during a nap.  Even's only been a few times.  You can say it, she's a genius.  She gets that from me. (This is Emily, not Travis...I know he claims he's the genius of the family but I just want you to know the truth)She doesn't even turn 2 until February.
 Here's mini genius on spaghetti night.
Then last week over UEA we went up to my parents cabin.  Again, it was so gorgeous.  Love this weather.

 Three little monkeys playing in the forest.

 Josh's pre-school went to Black Island Farms and I got to go along.  First we went out to the pumpkin patch and once they found the perfect pumpkin they had to raise their hand so the farmer would come cut it off.  I thought that was cute.
And here's the perfect pumpkin.
 They had a giant slide which I really wanted to go down but thought the other parents would think I'm weird.  Not the first time that's happened...
 He got to ride in the little train.  Again they wouldn't let me go. Total bummer.
 Then last night we had our annual Schick Halloween party.  It's good it's annual and not semi-annual right?  Here's the costumes.  A night and his squire.....
 The whole family....
The cowgirls....I just realized I didn't get a single shot of Rachel Rapunzel uploaded.  That's okay, I'm sure I'll have a Halloween post soon.  (No I am not done and will post thought I'd get it out of my system now?  Hah!)
 My mom the graduate and that scary guy is Edward Cullen.
 My sister, Aimee, and her cute family.
 Kate was terrified of Grandpa for the first 20 minutes and wouldn't go near him (or leave my lap) until he washed his face.
 Then by Rachel's request we bobbed for apples.
 Kate even got into it.

 We also decided to do a "Haunted Forest" this year.  We had so much fun putting it together for the family party we decided to invite half the neighborhood to come over tonight.  This will be our 4th party in 2 days and I've been "in charge" of 3 of them.  Whew!  Here's a little taste of the forest.  Rach and Josh helped with the decorations.  I hope you don't get too scared!

 And this morning I was thinking how quiet my kids were being.  I go into the office to find this....
Kate's Halloween costume is done.  Happy Halloween!


  1. We miss you guys too!! I love your posts because you're so real in them. And I can't believe Kate is potty training. I need Ashlyn to do that before number four comes. Tell me your secret.

  2. So fun to read about your October! I can't believe that Kate is potty trained! Can you train Lily?
