Monday, February 7, 2011

My baby's not a baby!

Kate turned one yesterday!  Is it just me or was this past year the fastest one we've had so far?  
Well, we'll get to that in just a minute.  First things first here's a few random photos.  

Joshy's "thing" lately is to take his shirt off and say as loud as he can "I'm a man!"  Okay, I know he didn't get that from me, I'm just getting a little curious to what goes on Saturday nights when I'm at work?  And although he insists, no Josh, I don't want to be "a man" too.

Don't you just want to start singing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam?" when you look at this picture?  I do!

 For family night a few weeks ago we pulled out our new game we got for Christmas.  Twister.  Yes, Kate was even in on it too.  Josh dropped out after one game, he couldn't spread his little legs that far.

 Here's another thing Trav gave to my kids......sticking their tongues out while concentrating, especially when coloring or writing.  Trav ALWAYS does that! (and he's an architect so I'm thinking there's a lot of tongue sticking out at work?) But now the kids are in school and drawing more they both do it all the time too.  It's a good thing he doesn't have habit of picking his nose or farting or's just move on.......

I just had to throw this one in.  What a little cutie, and you can see 2 of her teeth really good.  The grand total is now 6 beautiful teeth!
 Well, when it comes to birthday's I know I've said this before.  I am NOT creative.  I love birthdays, I love celebrating them, but sorry kids you will never get a super-cool totally awesome birthday cake from me (Julianne, thanks for setting the bar so high). So my specialty is funfetti and I just might color the frosting and put sprinkles on it.  But now Rach and Josh are old enough they can help decorate too!  I found these cool food coloring markers that worked great so the kids decorated the sides of the cake for me.  Maybe next year I'll just leave the whole thing to them.

 Notice the balloons, hearts and the messages of "I love you" on the sides?  Awesome.

And now we've made it to the birthday!  Yes it was on Superbowl Sunday, and did I even know who was playing?  Nope, and I'm okay with that.  This party was much more fun.  We had both sets of grandparents and my sister and her little boy, Jack, over for dinner.  It was so great to have everyone there to celebrate.  After dinner Kate got her very own birthday cake (I know I actually made 3 cakes, look how cool I am now!)

Anyone want to give me a kiss?

Maybe if I just lick the cake I can get more in my mouth.....

 I think I'll just have to pick the whole thing up and dump it in my mouth....that's the most efficient way!

Wow, I think I've had a little bit too much sugar.  I'm starting to feel a little funny....

After a quick, or not so quick, wash we got to open presents! She got a totally awesome stash, especially for someone that really doesn't need anything.  Pretty much everything she got was loud, lights up and played music.  Good thing she loves to dance!

Maybe Kate will be mine after all, no more getting all the traits from Trav.  This girl is a book worm.  Come on baby, stay on team Em......

And here's some last pictures of Kate with grandma and grandpa Maughan.

And grandma and grandpa Schick.

Now if only Kate could play with her new toys.......

  Happy Birthday baby!  I love you!

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